CSI Coronal Spectroscopy and Imaging. Sonnenforschung, Sonnenphysik, Sonnenkorona.

Publikationen von Y. Wei

Zeitschriftenartikel (16)

Luo, H.; Kronberg, E. A.; Grigorenko, E. E.; Fränz, M.; Daly, P. W.; Chen, G. X.; Du, A. M.; Kistler, L. M.; Wei, Y.: Evidence of strong energetic ion acceleration in the near-Earth magnetotail. Geophysical Research Letters 41, S. 3724 - 3730 (2014)
Wei, Y.; Pu, Z.; Zong, Q.; Wan, W.; Ren, Z.; Fraenz, M.; Dubinin, E.; Tian, F.; Shi, Q.; Hong, M.: Oxygen escape from the Earth during geomagnetic reversals: Implications to mass extinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 394, S. 94 - 98 (2014)
Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.; Woch, J.; Zhang, T.-L.; Wei, Y.; Fedorov, A.; Barabash, S.; R., L.: Toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields at Venus. Venus Express observations. Planetary and Space Science 87, S. 19 - 29 (2013)
Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.; Zhang, T.-L.; Woch, J.; Wei, Y.; Fedorov, A.; Barabash, S.; R., L.: Plasma in the Near Venus Tail - Venus Express Observations. Journal Geophysical Research 118, S. 7624 - 7634 (2013)
Li, K.; Haaland, S.; Eriksson, A.; André, M.; Engwall, E.; Wei, Y.; Kronberg, E. A.; Fränz, M.; Daly, P. W.; Zhao, H. et al.; Ren, Q. Y.: Transport of cold ions from the polar ionosphere to the plasma sheet. Journal Geophysical Research 118, S. 5467 - 5477 (2013)
Wei, Y.; Fränz, M.; Dubinin, E.; He, M.; Ren, Z.; Zhao, B.; Liu, J.; Wan, W.; Yumoto, K.; Watari, S. et al.; Alex, S.: Can a nightside geomagnetic Delta H observed at the equator manifest a penetration electric field? Journal Geophysical Research 118 (6), S. 3557 - 3567 (2013)
Yao, Z. H.; Angelopoulos, V.; Pu, Z. Y.; Fu, S. Y.; Kubyshkina, M.; Liu, J.; Chu, X. N.; Nishimura, T.; Cao, X.; Du, A. M. et al.; Yue, C.; Shi, Q. Q.; Wei, Y.: Conjugate observations of flow diversion in the magnetotail and auroral arc extension in the ionosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 118 (8), S. 4811 - 4816 (2013)
Feng, L.; Inhester, B.; Wei, Y.; Gan, W. Q.; Zhang, T. L.; Wang, M. Y.: Morphological Evolution of a Three-Dimensional Coronal Mass Ejection Cloud Reconstructed from Three Viewpoints. Astrophysical Journal 751 (1), 18 (2012)
Li, K.; Haaland, S.; Eriksson, A.; André, M.; Engwall, E.; Wei, Y.; Kronberg, E. A.; Fränz, M.; Daly, P. W.; Zhao, H. et al.; Ren, Q. Y.: On the ionospheric source region of cold ion outflow. Geophysical Research Letters 39, L18102 (2012)
Liu, J.; Liu, L.; Zhao, B.; Wei, Y.; Hu, L.; Xiong, B.: High-speed stream impacts on the equatorial ionization anomaly region during the deep solar minimum year 2008. Journal Geophysical Research 117, A10304 (2012)
Wei, Y.; Fraenz, M.; Dubinin, E.; Coates, A. J.; Zhang, T. L.; Wan, W.; Feng, L.; Angsmann, A.; Opitz, A.; Woch, J. et al.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.: A teardrop-shaped ionosphere at Venus in tenuous solar wind. Planetary and Space Science 73, S. 254 - 261 (2012)
Wei, Y.; Fraenz, M.; Dubinin, E.; Woch, J.; Lühr, H.; Wan, W.; Zong, Q.-G.; Zhang, T. L.; Pu, Z. Y.; Fu, S. Y. et al.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.; Dandouras, I.: Enhanced atmospheric oxygen outflow on Earth and Mars driven by a corotating interaction region. Journal Geophysical Research 117, A03208 (2012)
Wei, Y.; Wan, W.; Zhao, B.; Hong, M.; Ridley, A.; Ren, Z.; Fraenz, M.; Dubinin, E.; He, M.: Solar wind density controlling penetration electric field at the equatorial ionosphere during a saturation of cross polar cap potential. Journal Geophysical Research 117, A09308 (2012)
Zhao, B.; Wan, W.; Lei, J.; Wei, Y.; Sahai, Y.; Reinisch, B.: Positive ionospheric storm effects at Latin America longitude during the superstorm of 20-22 November 2003: revisit. Annales Geophysicae 30 (5), S. 831 - 840 (2012)
He, M.; Liu, L.; Wan, W.; Wei, Y.: Strong evidence for couplings between the ionospheric wave-4 structure and atmospheric tides. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L14101 (2011)
Xiong, B.; Wan, W.; Liu, L.; Withers, P.; Zhao, B.; Ning, B.; Wei, Y.; Le, H.; Ren, Z.; Chen, Y. et al.; He, M.; Liu, J.: Ionospheric response to the X-class solar flare on 7 September 2005. Journal Geophysical Research 116, A11317 (2011)

Vortrag (4)

Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.; Zhang, T.-L.; Woch, J.; Wei, Y.: Ionospheric magnetic fields and currents at Venus and Mars. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria (2014)
Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.; Zhang, T.-L.; Woch, J.; Wei, Y.: Ionospheric magnetic fields at Venus and Mars and their effect on plasma flow in the near planet wakes. EPSC, Estoril, Portugal (2014)
Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.; Zhang, T.-L.; Woch, J.; Wei, Y.; Barabash, S.: Asymmetrical response of the ionospheric magnetization and the plasma sheet formation on the IMF orientation. 6th Alfven Conference: Plasma Interactions with Solar System Objects anticipating Rosetta, MAVEN and Mars Orbiter Mission, London, UK (2014)
Wei, Y.; Fränz, M.; Dubinin, E.; Wan, W.; Jarvinen, R.; Zhang, T.-L.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.: Ablation of Venusian oxygen ions by unshocked solar wind. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria (2014)

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