Logo: IMPRS for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen - International Max Planck Research School - Solar System School

Publikationen von Lei Lu

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Ying, B.; Feng, L.; Inhester, B.; Mierla, M.; Gan, W.; Lu, L.; Li, S.: Three-dimensional analyses of an aspherical coronal mass ejection and its driven shock. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, S. A23 (2022)
Lu, L.; Inhester, B.; Feng, L.; Liu, S.; Zhao, X.: Measure the Propagation of a Halo CME and Its Driven Shock with the Observations from a Single Perspective at Earth. Astrophysical Journal 835 (2), 188 (2017)
Zhao, X.; Liu, Y. D.; Inhester, B.; Feng, X.; Wiegelmann, T.; Lu, L.: Comparison of CME/Shock Propagation Models with Heliospheric Imaging and In Situ Observations. Astrophysical Journal 830, 48 (2016)
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