Vortragender: René Heller Ort: MPS

Planetary Group Seminar: Extrasolar planets: what do we know, what can we know? (R. Heller)

Beyond the 8 planets around the sun more than 3000 planets have been found around other stars. One of them is in orbit around Proxima Centauri at a distance of just 4 light years, others are as far as thousands of light years away. Let's have a look at how these so-called exoplanets have been detected, how their physical and orbital properties compare to the architecture of the solar system, and what kind of discoveries we can expect during our lifetimes. [mehr]

Merkur trifft Sonne: Wie findet man einen Exoplaneten? (René Heller)

Vortrag für Kinder und Erwachsene, ihm Rahmen der Veranstaltung "Merkur trifft Sonne" zum Merkurtransit, vom Max-Planck- Instiutute für Sonnensystemforschung und dem Institut für Astrophysik der Uni Göttingen. [mehr]
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