
I am a researcher in the field of planetary sciences with a deep interest to explore minor planets and ocean worlds, in order to understand more about Solar System formation and evolution.


Education and Employment:

Since 2020: Postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
2013 – 2019: PhD at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
2010 – 2012: MSc at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay


Berkner AGU Travel Fellowship (2018)   
LPI Career Development Award (2018)       
Summer Fellowship, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (2011)

Selected Publications:

(1) Hernandez, J.,    Nathues, A., Hiesinger, H., Goetz, W., Hoffmann, M., Schmedemann, N., & Sarkar, R. (2022) Geology and colour of Kupalo crater on Ceres. Planetary and Space Science, 105538.

(2) Nathues,  A., Hoffmann,    M., Schmedemann, N., Sarkar, R., Thangjam, G.,    Mengel, K., Hernandez, J., Hiesinger, H., and Pasckert, J. H., (2022) Brine residues and organics in the Urvara Basin on Ceres, Nature Communications, v. 13, 927.

(3) Edgett,    K.S., Sarkar, R. (2021) Recognition of Sedimentary Rock Occurrences in Satellite and Aerial Images of Other Worlds—Insights from Mars. Remote Sensing, v. 13, 4296.

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