
Zeitschriftenartikel (3118)

Krüger, H.; Strub, P.; Grün, E.: Ulysses spacecraft in situ detections of cometary dust trails. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 382, 20230200 (2024)
Fränz, M.; Rojo, M.; Cornet, T.; Hadid, L. Z.; Saito, Y.; André, N.; Varsani, A.; Schmid, D.; Krüger, H.; Krupp, N. et al.; Delcourt, D.; Katra, B.; Harada, Y.; Yokota, S.; Verdeil, C.; Aizawa, S.; Millilo, A.; Orsini, S.; Mangano, V.; Fiethe, B.; Benkhoff, J.; Murakami, G.: Spacecraft Outgassing Observed by the BepiColombo Ion Spectrometers. Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 129, S. e2023JA032044 (2024)
Fukai, R.; Usui, T.; Fujiya, W.; Takano, Y.; Bajo, K.-i.; Beck, A.; Bonato, E.; Chabot, N. L.; Furukawa, Y.; Genda, H. et al.; Hibiya, Y.; Jourdan, F.; Kleine, T.; Koike, M.; Matsuoka, M.; Miura, Y. N.; Moynier, F.; Okazaki, R.; Russell, S. S.; Sumino, H.; Zolensky, M. E.; Sugahara, H.; Tachibana, S.; Sakamoto, K.; Abe, M.; Cho, Y.; Kuramoto, K.: Curation protocol of Phobos sample returned by Martian Moons eXploration. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 59, S. 321 - 337 (2024)
Haupt, C. P.; Renggli, C.J.; Rohrbach, A.; Berndt, J.; Klemme, S.: Experimental Constraints on the Origin of the Lunar High-Ti Basalts. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 129, S. e2023JE008239 (2024)
Haupt, C. P.; Renggli, C.J.; Rohrbach, A.; Berndt, J.; Schwinger, S.; Maurice, M.; Schulze, M.; Breuer, D.; Klemme, S.: Trace element partitioning in the lunar magma ocean: an experimental study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 179, S. 45 (2024)
Hellmann, J. L.; Van Orman, J. A.; Kleine, T.: Hf-W isotope systematics of enstatite chondrites: Parent body chronology and origin of Hf-W fractionations among chondritic meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 626, S. 118518 (2024)
Hu, Y.; Moynier, F.; Dai, W.; Paquet, M.; Yokoyama, T.; Abe, Y.; Aléon, J.; Alexander, C. M. O.; Amari, S.; Amelin, Y. et al.; Bajo, K.-i.; Bizzarro, M.; Bouvier, A.; Carlson, R. W.; Chaussidon, M.; Choi, B.-G.; Dauphas, N.; Davis, A. M.; Di Rocco, T.; Fujiya, W.; Fukai, R.; Gautam, I.; Haba, M. K.; Hibiya, Y.; Hidaka, H.; Homma, H.; Hoppe, P.; Huss, G. R.; Ichida, K.; Iizuka, T.; Ireland, T. R.; Ishikawa, A.; Itoh, S.; Kawasaki, N.; Kita, N. T.; Kitajima, K.; Kleine, T.; Komatani, S.; Krot, A. N.; Liu, M.-C.; Masuda, Y.; Morita, M.; Motomura, K.; Nakai, I.; Nagashima, K.; Nesvorný, D.; Nguyen, A.; Nittler, L.; Onose, M.; Pack, A.; Park, C.; Piani, L.; Qin, L.; Russell, S. S.; Sakamoto, N.; Schönbächler, M.; Tafla, L.; Tang, H.; Terada, K.; Terada, Y.; Usui, T.; Wada, S.; Wadhwa, M.; Walker, R. J.; Yamashita, K.; Yin, Q.-Z.; Yoneda, S.; Young, E. D.; Yui, H.; Zhang, A.-C.; Nakamura, T.; Naraoka, H.; Noguchi, T.; Okazaki, R.; Sakamoto, K.; Yabuta, H.; Abe, M.; Miyazaki, A.; Nakato, A.; Nishimura, M.; Okada, T.; Yada, T.; Yogata, K.; Nakazawa, S.; Saiki, T.; Tanaka, S.; Terui, F.; Tsuda, Y.; Watanabe, S.-i.; Yoshikawa, M.; Tachibana, S.; Yurimoto, H.: Pervasive aqueous alteration in the early Solar System revealed by potassium isotopic variations in Ryugu samples and carbonaceous chondrites. Icarus 409, S. 115884 (2024)
Jansen, C. A.; Burkhardt, C.; Marrocchi, Y.; Schneider, J. M.; Wölfer, E.; Kleine, T.: Condensate evolution in the solar nebula inferred from combined Cr, Ti, and O isotope analyses of amoeboid olivine aggregates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 627, S. 118567 (2024)
Kiss, C.; Müller, T. G.; Marton, G.; Szakáts, R.; Pál, A.; Molnár, L.; Vilenius, E.; Rengel, M.; Ortiz, J. L.; Fernández-Valenzuela, E.: The visible and thermal light curve of the large Kuiper belt object (50000) Quaoar★. Astronomy and Astrophysics 684, S. A50 (2024)
Korokhin, V.; Surkov, Y.; Mall, U.; Kaydash, V.; Velichko, S.; Velikodsky, Y.; Shalygina, O.: Applying machine learning to a nonlinear spectral mixing model for mapping lunar soils composition using CHANDRAYAAN-1 M3 data. Planetary and Space Science 244, S. 105870 (2024)
Korokhin, V.; Surkov, Y.; Mall, U.; Kaydash, V.; Velichko, S.; Velikodsky, Y.; Shalygina, O.: Applying machine learning to a nonlinear spectral mixing model for mapping lunar soils composition using CHANDRAYAAN-1 M3 data. Planetary and Space Science 244, S. 105870 (2024)
Krüger, H.; Thompson, M. S.; Kobayashi, M.; Mangano, V.; Moroni, M.; Milillo, A.; Keller, L. P.; Sasaki, S.; Zender, J.; Domingue, D. et al.; Benkhoff, J.; Galli, A.; LeBlanc, F.; Murakami, G.; Sarantos, M.; Savin, D. W.: Understanding the Dust Environment at Mercury: From Surface to Exosphere. The Planetary Science Journal 5, S. 36 (2024)
Mastropietro, M.; Krishna, H.; Kim, Y.; Agarwal, J.: Photometric Analysis of the Nucleus of the Main-belt Comet 2010 LH15. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 8, S. 104 (2024)
Mastropietro, M.; Krishna, H.; Kim, Y.; Agarwal, J.: Photometric Analysis of the Nucleus of the Main-belt Comet 2010 LH15. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 8, S. 104 (2024)
Mazza, S. E.; Gaschnig, R. M.; Rudnick, R. L.; Kleine, T.: Tungsten stable isotope composition of the upper continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 370, S. 161 - 172 (2024)
Müller, D. R.; Altwegg, K.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Combi, M. R.; De Keyser, J.; Fuselier, S. A.; Garnier, P.; Hänni, N.; Mall, U.; Rubin, M. et al.; Wampfler, S. F.; Wurz, P.: Deciphering cometary outbursts: linking gas composition changes to trigger mechanisms. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529, S. 2763 - 2776 (2024)
Pape, J.; Zhang, B.; Spitzer, F.; Rubin, A. E.; Kleine, T.: Isotopic constraints on genetic relationships among group IIIF iron meteorites, Fitzwater Pass, and the Zinder pallasite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 59, S. 778 - 788 (2024)
Pfeifer, M.; Agarwal, J.; Marschall, R.; Grieger, B.; Lemos, P.: Dynamics and potential origins of decimeter-sized particles around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Astronomy and Astrophysics 685, S. A136 (2024)
Poulet, F.; Piccioni, G.; Langevin, Y.; Dumesnil, C.; Tommasi, L.; Carlier, V.; Filacchione, G.; Amoroso, M.; Arondel, A.; D'Aversa, E. et al.; Barbis, A.; Bini, A.; Bolsée, D.; Bousquet, P.; Caprini, C.; Carter, J.; Dubois, J. -.; Condamin, M.; Couturier, S.; Dassas, K.; Dexet, M.; Fletcher, L.; Grassi, D.; Guerri, I.; Haffoud, P.; Larigauderie, C.; Le Du, M.; Mugnuolo, R.; Pilato, G.; Rossi, M.; Stefani, S.; Tosi, F.; Vincendon, M.; Zambelli, M.; Arnold, G.; Bibring, J. -.; Biondi, D.; Boccaccini, A.; Brunetto, R.; Carapelle, A.; Cisneros González, M.; Hannou, C.; Karatekin, O.; Le Cle'ch, J. -.; Leyrat, C.; Migliorini, A.; Nathues, A.; Rodriguez, S.; Saggin, B.; Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Schmitt, B.; Seignovert, B.; Sordini, R.; Stephan, K.; Tobie, G.; Zambon, F.; Adriani, A.; Altieri, F.; Bockelée, D.; Capaccioni, F.; De Angelis, S.; De Sanctis, M. -.; Drossart, P.; Fouchet, T.; Gérard, J. -.; Grodent, D.; Ignatiev, N.; Irwin, P.; Ligier, N.; Manaud, N.; Mangold, N.; Mura, A.; Pilorget, C.; Quirico, E.; Renotte, E.; Strazzulla, G.; Turrini, D.; Vandaele, A. -.; Carli, C.; Ciarniello, M.; Guerlet, S.; Lellouch, E.; Mancarella, F.; Morbidelli, A.; Le Mouélic, S.; Raponi, A.; Sindoni, G.; Snels, M.: Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) on Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE). Space Science Reviews 220, S. 27 (2024)
Reitze, M. P.; Renggli, C.; Morlok, A.; Weber, I.; Rodehorst, U.; Berndt, J.; Klemme, S.; Hiesinger, H.: Crystallographic and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of the CaS-MgS Solid Solution. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 129, S. e2024JE008483 (2024)
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