European Solar Physics Online Seminar Archiv

Auf Initiative der Universität Oslo nimmt die MPS an der Reihe "European Solar Physics Online Seminar" (ESPOS) teil. Details finden Sie hier: 
Ziel dieser Videokonferenzreihe ist es, Ideen mit einem spezialisierten Publikum breiter zu verbreiten und Studenten und anderen jungen Forschern, die nicht regelmäßig zu Konferenzen reisen, einen Einblick in die Spitzenforschung zu geben. Die ESPOS-Serie soll jeden zweiten Donnerstag um 11 Uhr stattfinden.  

Vortragender: Ioannis Kontogiannis

ESPOS Online Seminar: High-resolution spectroscopy of a minifilament eruption (Ioannis Kontogiannis)

Minifilaments are miniature versions of filaments, first observed in H-alpha filtergrams of quiet Sun. Recent studies have showcased their association with small-scale eruptive events, highlighting their importance in energetic processes of the quiet Sun. We present the first detailed study of such an event, using high-cadence, high-spectral resolution imaging observations. The minifilament formed between small-scale, opposite-polarity magnetic concentrations and erupted within an hour after its appearance in H-alpha, exhibiting a twisted, thread-like structure. Its eruption took place in two phases (slow and fast), producing a coronal dimming, while part of the erupting material returned to the chromosphere. The observed similarities to large-scale filament eruptions indicate the action of common mechanisms. Their properties, combined with their abundance in quiet Sun, constitute minifilaments ideal targets for the new ground-based solar telescopes. [mehr]
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