
I specialize in solar and stellar astrophysics, with a primary emphasis on numerical modeling of solar and stellar dynamos, the formation of magnetic structures, and coronal heating. My expertise lies in elucidating the interplay between stellar dynamos and their coronae, modeling dynamo processes within the Sun and other stars. Specifically, I excel in elucidating turbulent processes governing magnetic field generation, employing analytical techniques such as the test-field method. Additionally, I am a key contributor to the development of the Pencil Code—a noteworthy achievement in my profile.


Education and Employment

01/2020–current         Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow, “UniSDyn” ERC CoG, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.

01/2018–12/2019       Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Max Planck Princeton Center for Plasma Physics, MPS,                                         Göttingen, Germany.

01/2017–12/2017       Postdoctoral Research Fellow, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.          

01/2015–12/2016       Marie-Curie Research Fellow, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.

11/2013–12/2014       Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Max Planck Princeton Center for Plasma Physics, MPS,                                         Göttingen, Germany.

October 2013                Postdoctoral visitor, Department of Physics, Helsinki University, Finland.

July 2013                       PhD, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, Sweden.
                                        Title: Combining models of coronal mass ejections and solar dynamos, Advisors: Axel                                          Brandenburg, Göran Scharmer (no grades given). Nominated by Department for two thesis                                          awards on university level.

Selected Publications

Warnecke, J., Korpi-Lagg, M., Gent, F. and Rheinhardt, M. (2023) Numerical evidence for a small-scale dynamo approaching solar magnetic Prandtl numbers, Nature Astronomy, 7, 662

Warnecke, J., and Peter, H. (2019) Data-driven model of the solar corona above an active region, Astron. Astrophys., 624, L12

Warnecke, J. (2018), Dynamo cycles in global convection simulations of solar-like stars, Astron. Astrophys., 616, A72

Warnecke, J., Rheinhardt, M., Tuomisto, S., Käpylä, P. J., Käpylä, M. J. and Brandenburg, A. (2018) Turbulent transport coefficients in spherical wedge dynamo simulations of solar-like stars, Astron. Astrophys., 609, A51

Warnecke, J., Losada, I. R., Brandenburg, A., Kleeorin, N., & Rogachevskii, I. (2013) Bipolar magnetic structures driven by stratified turbulence with a coronal envelope, Astrophys. J. Lett., 777, L37

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