Deutsche PhysikerInnen Tagung 2015: Unravelling stellar interiors (S. Hekker)
- Datum: 15.10.2015
- Uhrzeit: 16:30 - 17:30
- Vortragende(r): Saskia Hekker
- Ort: MPS
- Raum: Auditorium
- Gastgeber: Deutsche PhysikerInnen Tagung 2015
Stars are opaque bodies and one may wonder how we can ever obtain knowledge of that which is hidden behind these substantial barriers (Arthur Eddington 1922). The answer to this is asteroseismology, a quasi-direct way to peer inside stars through their global oscillations. These global oscillations have provided essential insights into the internal structures of the Sun (helioseismology) and many other stars. Results based on state of the art (space) telescopes and the potential of asteroseismology for the near future, will be discussed during this talk.