Nützliche Links

Leben in Göttingen

Joining the 'Physics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars' department

University of Goettingen Guide for International Researchers

FIZ - University of Goettingen fitness centre

Vorlesungsskript & Anleitungen

Lecture Notes on Stellar Oscillations (Christensen-Dalsgaard)

Local helioseismology, Living Reviews of Solar Physics (Gizon & Birch)

How to write an abstract (Leslie Sage)

Good and bad scientific practice(Peter Sigmund)

Wissenschaftliche Instrumente

Kepler, CoRot, SONG, German Data Centre for SDO , SDO/HMI, SOHO/MDI, GONG

Kommende Veranstaltungen

SOHO community meetings

Solar Orbiter 5, 10-12 September 2012, Belgium

GONG 2012 / LWS/SDO-5 / SOHO 27 Eclipse on the coral sea: cycle 24 ascending, 12-16 November 2012, Palm Cove, Australia

Differential Rotation and Magnetism across the HR Diagram, 8 April to 3 May 2013, Stockholm, Sweden

2013 LWS/SDO: Solar Activity on Many Scales, 3-8 March 2013, Cambridge MD, U.S.A.

Publication databases

SolarNews (Newsletter of the Solar Physics Division of the AAS), NASA-ADS, arXiv.org > astro-ph


Nature, Science, Solar Physics, Astrophysical Journal, ApJ Letters manuscript length calculator, Astronomy & Astrophysics

Wissenschaftliches Rechnen

GWDG , Cryptshare , Ganglia (password required), Software carpentry


MESA - open source stellar evolution code

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