Nieuwenhuis, Matthias
Research Interests:
Experimental High-Pressure Mineralogy in Lunar and Planetary Science
Volatiles in Magmatic Systems
Chemical Analysis of Geomaterials
Education and Employment:
Since 2023: Postdoc at MPS, Planetary Science & Media Relations and Outreach
2018-2023: PhD, Geoscience, IMPRS & GAUSS at MPS & U. Göttingen “The Distribution of Water in the Lunar Magmatic Ocean”
2015-2017: M.Sc, U. Göttingen, Geoscience, “Chemical analysis of geomaterials with μ-XRF - possibilities and limits”
2011-2014: B.Sc, U. Göttingen, Geoscience, “Experimental determination of chlorine diffusion in phonolithic melts of Montana Blanca”