Research interests
My current research focuses on the role of magnetic helictiy in solar
eruptions, exploiting data-constrained, realistic numerical models of
pre-eruptive configurations. I am particularly interested in combining theory,
observations, and numerical simulations to tackle fundamental plasma physics
problems in magnetized plasmas, like the generation of system-wide currents
from small-scale motions or the role of magnetic reconnection in triggering
coronal instabilities. As most of my research revolves around the properties of
the solar magnetic field, the exploitation of vector magnetograms, in
particular from Solar Orbiter/PHI, the assessment of their reliability and and
their correct disambiguation is key to all such studies. And takes most of my
Education and Employment
2021 - present Scientist in the Sun and
Heliosphere group at MPS
2014 – 2021 Senior Research Assistant at the University College London -
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
2014 Post-doctoral position at the INAF–Astronomical Observatory Rome
2010 – 2013 Post-doctoral position at the Observatory of Paris
2002 – 2008 Post-doctoral position at the Leibniz - Institute for Astrophysics
1997 – 2001 PhD course at the Technical University Eindhoven
1989 – 1996 Master degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Florence
Selected Publications
Stereoscopic disambiguation of vector magnetograms: first applications to
Valori, G. ; Calchetti, D. ; Moreno Vacas, A. ; Pariat, É. et al.,
2023, accepted in ApJ, DOI :10.48550/arXiv.2307.09907
First, thrilling application to SO/PHI-HRT data!
Additivity of relative magnetic helicity in finite volumes
Valori, Gherardo ; Démoulin, Pascal ; Pariat, Etienne ; Yeates, Anthony ;
Moraitis, Kostas ; Linan, Luis,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 643, id.A2, DOI:
My preferred paper on the topic. The longest to write, the least cited of all
my helicity works to date
Nonlinear Force-Free Extrapolation of Emerging Flux with a Global Twist and
Serpentine Fine Structures
Valori, G.; Green, L. M. ; Démoulin, P; Vargas Domínguez, S; van
Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Wallace, A. ; Baker, D. ; Fuhrmann, M.
Solar Physics, Volume 278, Issue 1, pp.73-97
NLFFF extrapolation of an AR supporting the current understanding of the
coronal field evolution during AR formation