Helioseismology, Astroseismology, Stellar activity, Stellar atmospheres, Cepheids, Radiative transfer
Education and Employment
Jul 2018 - Present | Postdoctoral researcher, Department Solar and Stellar Interiors, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research , Göttingen, Germany. |
Apr – Jun 2018 | Postdoctoral researcher, Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (ZAH) Landessternwarte , Heidelberg, Germany. |
Feb – Mar 2018 |
Postdoctoral researcher, Max Planck Institute of Astronomy , Heidelberg, Germany |
Feb 2018 | PhD in Astronomy , Max Planck Institute of Astronomy and Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (ZAH) Landessternwarte , Heidelberg, Germany. |
Thesis: Dynamical model atmospheres for the abundance analysis of pulsating stars; Supervisor: Dr. Hans-Günter Ludwig |
Sep 2008 – Dec 2013 | Diploma (M.Sc. - equivalent) in Astronomy, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow |
Selected publications
Vasilyev, V.; Amarsi, A. M.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Lemasle, B. Two-dimensional non-LTE O I 777 nm line formation in radiation hydrodynamics simulations of Cepheid atmospheres Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 624, A85 (2019)
Vasilyev, V.; Ludwig, H. -G.; Freytag, B.; Lemasle, B.; Marconi, M. Spectroscopic properties of a two-dimensional time-dependent Cepheid model. II. Determination of stellar parameters and abundances. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 611, A19, (2018)
V. Vasilyev, H.-G. Ludwig, B. Freytag, B. Lemasle, and M. Marconi, Spectroscopic properties of a two-dimensional time-dependent Cepheid model I. Description and validation of the mode. Astronomy & Astrophysics 606, A140 (2017)
Pshirkov, M. S.; Vasiliev, V. V.; Postnov, K. A., Evidence of Fermi bubbles around M3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 459, Issue 1 (2016)