
Current position

2022 - present: Postdoctoral Researcher at  Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

Former positions

2022-present: Chair of the Sunrise III co-observations that encompass space- and ground-based observatories worldwide.
2022-present: Member of the Sunrise III science working group
2015:  IAESTE trainee, Windisch, Switzerland
2014: Internship in Astrophysics and Astronomical Instrumentation at INAOE. Puebla, Mexico
2013: NASA intern research program at Stanford University and LMSAL. CA, U.S.A.


2022: Dr. rer. Nat. Physics – Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research & University of Göttingen
2016: Master of Science in Astronomy – Universidad Nacional de Colombia & University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
2013: Bachelor of Science in Physics – Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Community services

2020-present: Peer review referee of ApJ and MNRAS
Supervision: 4 Bachelor theses and 1 Master’s internship. Currently supervising 1 student
2018-present: 4 PI campaigns at the 1.5m GREGOR telescope and 3 as Co-I
2018-present: Seminar chair of the
Solar Lower Atmosphere and Magnetism (SLAM) seminar
2019: LOC co-chair The 9th Solar Polarization Workshop

Selected Publications

Castellanos Duran, J.S., Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K., Noort, M.v.: 2020, “Detection of the Strongest Magnetic Field in a Sunspot Light Bridge”. ApJ 895(2), 129.

Castellanos Duran, J.S., Kleint, L., Calvo-Mozo, B.: 2018, “A Statistical Study of Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes During 75 Solar Flares”. ApJ 852, 25.

Castellanos Duran, J.S., Milanovic, N., Lagg, A., Loeptien, B., van Noort, M., Solanki, S.K.: 2024 “The MODEST catalog of depth-dependent spatially coupled inversions of sunspots observed by Hinode/SOT-SP”. In press in A&A. arXiv:2403.06960

Castellanos Duran, J.S., Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K.: 2021, “How rare are counter Evershed flows?” A&A 651, L1 .

Castellanos Duran, J.S., Kleint, L.: 2020, “The Statistical Relationship between White-light Emission and Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes in Flares”. ApJ 904(2), 96.

Castellanos Duran, J.S., Korpi-Lagg, A., Solanki, S.K.: 2023, “Expulsion of Counter Evershed Flows from Sunspot Penumbrae”. ApJ 952(2), 162.

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