Vortrag (390)

Yeo, K. L.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.: Reconstruction of TSI and SSI in the satellite era. EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria (2014)
Yeo, K. L.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N. A.: Solar irradiance variability and the Earth's climate. SCOSTEP's 13th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium, Xi'an, China (2014)
Yu, J.; Berger, L.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.; Heber, B.; Hilchenbach, M.; Kallenbach, R.; Bochsler, P.; Klecker, P.: The Variability of Suprathermal Pickup He+ Measured with SOHO/CELIAS/STOF. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2014)

Poster (80)

Shapiro, A.; Brühl, C.; Klingmüller, K.; Steil, B.; Shapiro, A.; Witzke, V.; Kostogryz, N. M.; Gizon, L.; Solanki, S. K.; Lelieveld, J.: Why is the Earth's atmosphere so life-friendly? ESRP Meeting, Jena, Germany (2022)
Lagg, A.; Bernasconi, P.; Katsukawa, Y.; del Toro Iniesta, J.C.; Berkefeld, T.; Solanki, S. K.: SUNRISE III: The Solar Atmosphere in 3D and High Rssolution. 2021 Scientific Ballooning Technologies Workshop, online (2021)
Teriaca, L.; EUI and SPICE Teams: First results from combined EUI and SPICE observations of Lyman lines of Hydrogen and He II. 23rd EGU General Assembly, Online (2021)
Auchere, F.; Gissot, S.; Teriaca, L.; Berghmans, D.; Harra, L.; Long, D.; Rochus, P. L.; Smith, P.; Schühle, U.; Stegen, K. et al.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Heerlein, K.; Kraaikamp, E.; Verbeeck, C.: First Images and Initial In-Flight Performance of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager On-Board Solar Orbiter. AGU Fall Meeting, Online (2020)
Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Berghmans, D.; Teriaca, L.; Gissot, S.; Schühle, U.; Auchere, F.; Harra, L.; Long, D.; Rochus, P. L.; Heerlein, K. et al.; Kraaikamp, E.; Smith, P.; Stegen, K.; Verbeeck, C.: Very high-resolution observations of the solar atmosphere in H I Lyman alpha and Fe IX-X at 17.4 nm as seen by EUI aboard Solar Orbiter. AGU Fall Meeting, Online (2020)
Buchlin, E.; Teriaca, L.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Andretta, V.; Auchere, F.; Peter, H.; Berghmans, D.; Carlsson, M.; Fludra, A. et al.; Harra, L.; Hassler, D.; Long, D.; Rochus, P. L.; Schühle, U.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Caldwell, M.; Caminade, S.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Gissot, S.; Heerlein, K.; Janvier, M.; Kraaikamp, E.; Kucera, T. A.; Müller, D.; Parenti, S.; Schmutz, W. K.; Sidher, S.; Smith, P.; Stegen, K.; Thompson, W. T.; Verbeeck, C.; Williams, D.; Young, P. R.: First results from the EUI and SPICE observations of Alpha Leo near Solar Orbiter first perihelion. AGU Fall Meeting, Online (2020)
Teriaca, L.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Parenti, S.; Auchere, F.; Vial, J.-C.; Fludra, A.; Berghmans, D.; Carlsson, M. et al.; Harra, L.; Hassler, D.; Long, D.; Peter, H.; Rochus, P. L.; Schühle, U.; Buchlin, E.; Caldwell, M.; Caminade, S.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Gissot, S.; Heerlein, K.; Janvier, M.; Kraaikamp, E.; Kucera, T. A.; Mueller, D.; Schmutz, W. K.; Sidher, S.; Smith, P.; Stegen, K.; Thompson, W. T.; Verbeeck, C.; Williams, D.; Young, P. R.: First results from combined EUI and SPICE observations of Lyman lines of Hydrogen and He II. AGU Fall Meeting, Online (2020)
Thompson, W. T.; Schühle, U.; Young, P. R.; Auchere, F.; Carlsson, M.; Fludra, A.; Hassler, D.; Peter, H.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Buchlin, E. et al.; Caldwell, M.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Harra, L. K.; Janvier, M.; Kucera, T. A.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Müller, D.; Parenti, S.; Caminade, S.; Schmutz, W. K.; Teriaca, L.; Williams, D.; Sidher, S.: Calibrating optical distortions in the Solar Orbiter SPICE spectrograph. AGU Fall Meeting, Online (2020)
Wang, W.; Wang, L.; Krucker, S.; Bučík, R.; Tian, H.; He, J.; Tu, C.: Solar energetic electrons associated with extreme ultraviolet jets. AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, Singapore (2019)
Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Busse, D.; Rodrguez, J. B.; Castellanos Durán, J. S.; Carrascosa, J. P. C.; Fiethe, B.; Gandorfer, A. M.; Guan, Y.; Kolleck, M. et al.; Lange, T.; Michalik, H.; Solanki, S. K.; Iniesta, J. C. d. T.; Woch, J.: Performance analysis of the SO/PHI software framework for on-board data reduction. 28th annual international Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems (ADASS) conference, College Park, Maryland, USA (2019)
Barra, S.: FitCoPI: Fitting density and temperature of coronal active region plasma in 3D from single vantage point observations. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, München, Germany (2019)
Viviani, M.: Solar-like stars at various rotation rates: a comparison between observations and simulations. Solar Helicities in Theory and Observations: Implications for Space Weather and Dynamo Theory, Stockholm, Schweden (2019)
Bučík, R.; Park, J.; Mason, G.M.; Nitta, N.V.; Wiedenbeck, M.E.: Suprathermal are ions in gradual solar energetic particle events: remnant and/or instantaneous? SHINE Conference 2018, Cocoa Beach (Cape Canaveral), FL, USA (2018)
Bučík, R.; Wiedenbeck, M.E.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Mason, G.M.; Nitta, N.V.: 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles from Sunspot Jets. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., USA (2018)
Heber, B.; Kuehl, P.; Wraase, S.; Böttcher, S.; Bučík, R.; Dresing, N.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Klassen, A.; Müller-Mellin, R.: Interpretation of increased solar energetic particle ux measurements with SEPT aboard the STEREO spacecraft and contamination. Particle Acceleration and Transport: From the Sun to the Extragalactic sources, Universita della Calabria, Rende, Italy (2018)
Heber, B.; Kuehl, P.; Wraase, S.; Böttcher, S.; Bučík, R.; Dresing, N.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Klassen, A.; Müller-Mellin, R.: Interpretation of increased solar energetic particle ux measurements with SEPT aboard the STEREO spacecraft and contamination. 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2018, Pasadena, CA, USA (2018)
Kollhoff, A.; Wraase, S.; Heber, B.; Böttcher, S.; Bučík, R.; Dresing, N.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Klassen, A.; Müller-Mellin, R.: Interpretation of increased solar energetic particle ux measurements with SEPT aboard the STEREO spacecraft and contamination. XVIth Hvar Astrophys. Colloq., International Study of Earth-affecting Solar Transients, ISEST 2018 Workshop , Hvar, Croatia (2018)
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