SO/PHI science preparation meeting

SO/PHI science preparation meeting

September 28th - 30th, 2021, Göttingen, Germany

September 27, 2021

Aimes & Themes

After nearly 1.5 years in orbit, Solar Orbiter is approaching its Nominal Science Phase, which will start in early 2022. SO/PHI as one of the principle instruments on board is now ready to do science, although further improvements in the onboard and data reduction software are still ongoing. It is therefore time to start thinking seriously of the science that we plan to do, in particular with the data gathered during the cruise phase and the first orbit of the science phase.

We would like to invite you to a SO/PHI science meeting that will help us to prepare for the science phase of the mission and of the instrument. The focus of the meeting will be on further developing and detailing science topics to be addressed with SO/PHI during its first science orbit. The meeting serves to bring ideas for early science with SO/PHI data on the table, to ensure that the most interesting topics are covered and that there is no unnecessary overlap or conflict between individuals or groups.

We want to provide you, the invitees (the meeting is by invitation only), with the opportunity to gain access to these unique early SO/PHI data before they are made publicly available.   Ample time will be allotted to you to present your ideas for early science and for discussions. To set the scene, the meeting will start with a detailed overview of the capabilities of the SO/PHI instrument and the in-orbit operation scenarios. There will also be sufficient time and opportunity to answer your questions.  

In short, the meeting aims to:
-        introduce you to the first SO/PHI data taken in orbit
-        collect ideas for science topics
-        prepare for science phase operations
-        explain the SO/PHI data and publication policy
-        discuss collaboration with other Solar Orbiter instruments as well as with other space- and ground-based assets


Preliminary Agenda

The meeting will start on Tuesday September 28th, at 9:00 am. the plenary session will last (at least) until lunchtime on Thursday September 30th, according to current planing. Thursday afternoon will be mainly reserved for splinters and in-depth discussions on TBD science topics.

The first session on Tuesday morning will introduce the Solar Orbiter mission, the SO/PHI instrument, its status and data products, the plans for gathering data during the first science orbit of Solar Orbiter and the science topics identified by the SO/PHI Team for this orbit. The following sessions will provide ample time for the presentation and discussion of complementary science projects to be carried out using data from the SO/PHI instrument, or plans for providing data from other sources. From the feedback we received so far, we expect that contributed talks will be allotted on average 15 mins (including discussions). If you have proposed a talk and not yet provided a title/topic, please do so until September 1st, also indicating if you would need more time for your presentation. We will do our best to accommodate such wishes, but cannot guarantee that we can fulfill all wishes.

We also plan to have dedicated discussion sessions and lengthy coffee and lunch breaks to enable the kinds of discussions we have been missing for the last 1.5 years.



last update on 22 Sept 2021



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