Solar Physics PhD Projects in the SLAM Group
Solar Orbiter, Sunrise, DKIST: Join the world of solar observations!
The scientific topics covered by the Solar Lower Atmosphere and Magnetism (SLAM) group cover many exciting subjects in solar physics. The applicant can focus on the development and testing of highly novel solar instrumentation, work on the reduction and analysis of highest quality solar observations, or improve and develop advanced techniques for the analysis of solar observations, often involving a fair amount of theoretical knowledge. SLAM PhD students are partly funded by a prestigious European Research Council Advanced Grant to one of the senior SLAM group members.
The excitement of analyzing data from space-borne, balloon-borne and ground-based solar observatories.
Featuring: Solar Orbiter, Sunrise and the largest ground-based observatories existing world-wide.
Uncover the 4-dimensional Sun by breaking old observational constraints.
Sense the pulse of the Sun: Decipher the solar radiation and uncover the complex plasma physical processes within the solar atmosphere
IMPRS - How to apply
The IMPRS concept - Funding and support of doctoral candidates - Open PhD projects - Partner institutions in the Solar System School - Research and student life on Göttingen Campus and more
Please note that regular deadlines apply for the submission of applications.
To apply, please use our web service. If you visit this website for the first time you have to register at our online system. Otherwise please login with your username and password.
IMPRS faculty members offer the PhD thesis projects above, ranging from topics in stellar and solar physics, planetary sciences and geosciences to applied mathematics or instrument development.