PhD thesis defense by Marius Pfeifer

Marius Pfeifer defends his PhD thesis on 3 July 2024 in Göttingen more

PhD thesis defense by Erik Nicolas Johnson

Erik Nicolas Johnson defends his PhD thesis on 28 June 2024 in Göttingen more

PhD thesis defense by Jonas Schneider

Jonas Schneider defends his PhD thesis on 19 June 2024 in Göttingen more

Golden medal on red background. Face imprinted onto the medal, with text to the left "Otto Hahn 1879 1968"

Yuto Bekki is awarded with the Otto Hahn medal of the Max Planck Society more

PhD thesis defense by Jamie Sue Gorman

Jamie Gorman defends her PhD thesis on 29 May 2024 in Göttingen more

Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos und Weltstrahlungszentrum
Krzysztof Barczynski

Krzysztof Barczynski ist ein junger Physiker, der den Forschungsplatz Graubünden weiterbringt und sich weit über sein Wirken als Forscher hinaus engagiert.

Förderpreis 2024 of Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland, to Krzysztof Barczynski more

PhD thesis defense by Dusan Vukadinovic

Dusan Vukadinovic defends his PhD thesis on 23 January 2024 in Göttingen more

PhD thesis defense by Björn Müller

Björn Müller defends his PhD thesis on 29 November 2023 in Göttingen more

Four women sitting in a half-circle behind a low table in front of a white wall decorated with logos. The person in the center is holding a microphone. The setting appears to be a press conference.

Rosita Kokotanekova is among Bulgarian Laureates of International Awards For Women in Science 2023, distinguished for her project "Participation in the Comet Interceptor/Comet Nucleus Evolution Mission" more

PhD thesis defense by Jorge Pablo Lemos

Jorge Pablo Lemos defends his PhD thesis on 22 Nov 2023 in Braunschweig more

Drawing of a doctoral hat, with text below "Solar System School"

Simon Cloutier defends his PhD thesis on 13 November 2023 in Göttingen more

PhD thesis defense by Paula Wulff

Paula Wulff defends her PhD thesis on 25 October 2023 in Göttingen more

Logo Solar System School: Doctoral Hat

Yara de Leo defends her PhD thesis on 20 October 2023 in Catania, Italy more

IMPRS students Löschl, Albert and Sinjan co-author joint SO/PHI-HR and SDO publication

Astronomical teamwork: By combining data from Solar Orbiter and SDO, a group of researchers has unambiguously determined the magnetic field at the solar surface. more

IVLP Impact Award Project to IMPRS alumna Clementina Sasso

2023 IVLP Impact Award Project: The Fight Against Gender Stereotypes Begins in the Classroom more

PhD in Solar System science: Apply by 1 October 2023

Call for applications: PhD positions in planetary science, solar physics, stellar physics, with a starting date in September 2024, at the IMPRS in Göttingen. more

Solar Physics (2022) 297:12
Disambiguation of Vector Magnetograms by Stereoscopic
Observations from the Solar Orbiter (SO)/Polarimetric and
Helioseismic Imager (PHI) and the Solar Dynamic Observatory
(SDO)/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
Gherardo Valori 1,2 · Philipp Löschl1 · David Stansby2 · Etienne Pariat 3,4 ·
Johann Hirzberger 1 · Feng Chen 5
Received: 26 March 2021 / Accepted: 17 December 2021 / Published online: 25 January 2022
© The Author(s) 2022

Philipp Löschl has co-authored an excellent publication on Solar Orbiter data which has been awarded best Solar Physics paper of 2022 (Gherardo Valori et al. 2022) more

Logo Solar System School: Doctoral Hat

Argiris Koumtzis defends his PhD thesis on 17 July 2023 in Göttingen more

Logo of the UIA/IAU

IMPRS alumn Yuto Bekki is given a honourable mention by the IAU Division E Sun and Heliosphere for his PhD thesis “Theory of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range” more

PhD thesis defense by Matthias Nieuwenhuis

Matthias Nieuwenhuis defends his PhD thesis on 10 May 2023 in Göttingen more

ESPD Patricia Edwin PhD Thesis Prize for Yuto Bekki

IMPRS alumn Yuto Bekki is awarded the European Physical Society’s (EPS) European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) Patricia Edwin PhD Thesis Prize 2023 for the outstanding collection of original results about modes of solar oscillation in the inertial frequency range and for the development of numerical models to classify and study the various families of inertial modes that permeate the solar convection zone more

Portrait of Eliana Maritza Amazo Gómez

Ambassador of Colombia in Germany Yadir Salazar-Mejia recognizes IMPRS alumn Eliana Maritza Amazo Gómez’ contributions to research on magnetism in solar-like stars more

PhD thesis defense by Rakshit Joshi

Rakshit Joshi defends his PhD thesis on 8 December 2022 at LMU Munich (online). more

Solar System School logo with stylised doctoral hat

Bernhard Hofer defends his PhD thesis on 17 November 2022 in Göttingen more

Drawing of a doctoral hat, with the text below "Solar System School"

Tanayveer Bhatia defends his PhD thesis on 17 October 2022 in Göttingen more

PhD thesis defense by Kamal Sant

Kamal Sant defends his PhD thesis on 28 September 2022 in Braunschweig more

Sami Solanki at the Hale Award Ceremony

Prof. Dr. Sami K. Solanki receives the George Ellery Hale Prize of the American Astronomical Society. more

Portrait of Valentin Bickel

IMPRS alumn Valentin Bickel is awarded the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich for his outstanding Doctoral Thesis on the Analysis of Lunar Rockfalls more

Portrait of Dr. Theodosios Chatzistergos

IMPRS alumn Theodosios Chatzistergos is being awarded the SCOSTEP Distinguished Scientist Young Award 2022 more

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