European Solar Physics Online Seminar Archive

Following an initiative by the University of Oslo the MPS will participate in the "European Solar Physics Online Seminar" series (ESPOS). Details can be found here:
The aim of this video conference series is to promote ideas more widely with a specialized audience, and give some exposure to cutting-edge research for students and other young researchers that do not regularly travel to conferences. The ESPOS series is planned to take place every second Thursday at 11am.

ESPOS Seminar: Formation and disappearance of a penumbra: Recent results (Mariarita Murabito)

The physical conditions resulting in the formation and disappearance of penumbral regions are poorly understood. We investigated these conditions by using high-resolution spectropolarimetric ... [more]

ESPOS Seminar: On the Differences in the Periodic Behavior of Magnetic Helicity Flux in Flaring Active Regions (Szabolcs Soós)

Observational precursors of large solar flares provide a basis for future operational systems for forecasting. We studied the evolution of the normalized emergence (EM), shearing (SH), and total (T) ... [more]

ESPOS Seminar: Small-scale MHD waves in the solar chromosphere with ALMA (Juan Camilo Guevara Gómez)


Validation of a wave heated 3D MHD coronal-wind model using Polarized Brightness and EUV observations


ESPOS Seminar: MHD wave propagation asymmetric solar waveguides (Noémi Kinga Zsámberger)

The analytical and numerical modelling of the behaviour of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in various magnetic geometries is a constantly evolving, active area of research within the field of solar ... [more]
Plasmoid-mediated fast magnetic reconnection plays a fundamental role in driving explosive dynamics and heating in the solar atmosphere, but relatively little is known about how it develops in ... [more]
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