DISLIN is free for non-commercial use. Licenses for selling programs linked with DISLIN or for using DISLIN in an environment related to business are available from the site
The current prices of DISLIN for commercial licenses are:
License | Euro | US Dollar |
- The payment of DISLIN licenses is managed by Max-Planck-Innovation GmbH, D-80799 München, Amalienstr. 33,, Phone: +49 89 290919-0, Fax: +49 89 290919-99. Payment can be done by check or by money transfer to a bank account of Max-Planck-Innovation. Payment by credit card is not possible.
- A DVD with the current DISLIN software and documentation is included. The source code of DISLIN and script files for recompiling DISLIN and bug fixes are also on the DVD. The source code of DISLIN may not be distributed by a user.
- Free upgrades of the Dislin source code and distributions can be downloaded from a web site for a period of three years by the owner of a Campus or World license, and for a period of one year by the owner of a PC or Workstation license.
- A DISLIN PC license means that all DISLIN PC distributions can be used on a single PC. Several DISLIN distributions can be installed on that PC at the same time. The Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OSX distributions of DISLIN are classified as PC distributions.
- A Workstation license can be used for the UNIX and VMS versions of DISLIN installed on a single workstation. The number of users is unlimited.
- A Campus license allows DISLIN installations on all computers in a building (or in several buildings in a closed area). For example a computer center or an institute.
- The Dislin World license is a Campus license without the restriction to a closed area.
Quantity Discounts
The following quantity discounts are offered for DISLIN PC and workstation licenses:
PC Licenses | Euro | US Dollar |
Workstation Licenses | Euro | US Dollar |