License Questions

How can I obtain a Dislin license?

To get a Dislin license number, you can use the 'License Request' at the Dislin site Note that you don't need a Dislin license for a non-commercial use of Dislin.

How can I pay for a Dislin license?

After receiving a license file from the author of Dislin, Max-Planck-Innovation will contact you and give you some payment information. Payment can be arranged by cheque or by money transfer to a Bank number. The address of Max-Planck-Innovation is:

Max-Planck-Innovation GmbH, D-80799 München, Amalienstr. 33,
Tel.: +49 89 290919-0, Fax: +49 89 290919-99

What does a Campus license mean?

A Dislin Campus license means that you can install Dislin on all computers in a building (or in some buildings of a closed area). This is typically a computer center or a single institute. There is also a Dislin World license, which is similar to a Campus license, but without the local restriction.

Does Dislin apply to a business?

If you want to use Dislin in an environment related to business, you need a Dislin license.

Can I upgrade my Dislin license to a Campus license?

Yes, you can upgrade your Dislin PC or workstation license to a Campus license.

How can I distribute Dislin programs?

If you want to sell programs linked with Dislin, you need a Dislin license for that machine where you have developed the programs. Programs linked with Dislin can then be distributed without any royalties together with necessary shareable libraries.

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