Ringberg Castle

SO/PHI Team Meeting November 2024

February 09, 2024

“5 Billion Kilometers in Space”

Monday, November 4 – Friday, November 8, 2024
Ringberg Castle, Bavaria, Germany

Location: Tagungsstätte Schloss Ringberg, Schloßstraße 20, D-83700 Reitrain, Bavaria, Germany


Map: google_maps_link

UPDATE (9 Feb 2024)

Please note that participation is by invitation only


Registration: Please reply to invitation E-mail by March 31, 2024

Preliminary Scientific Program:

Session 1 : "Solar Orbiter overview and prospects"
Session 2 : SO/PHI Science I
Session 3 : SO/PHI Science II
Session 4 : SO/PHI Science III
Session 5 : "SO/PHI status, achievements and perspectives"
Session 6 : "Solar Physics from Ulysses to Solar Orbiter" (in honour of Joachim Woch)
Session 7 : "From SO/PHI to Vigil/PMI - perspectives of multi-view stereoscopic science"

Social Events:

Welcome reception: Monday, November 4, 17:00 (tbc)
Conference dinner: Thursday, November  7, 19:30 (tbc)
Excursion        : tbc
Guided tour through Ringberg Castle: tbc

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