Planetary Group Seminar: The impact of the different solar wind structures on the outer radiation belt variability (L. Da Silva)

  • Datum: 20.12.2018
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:00
  • Vortragende(r): Ligia Alves Da Silva
  • National Institute for Space Research - INPE - Brazil China-Brazil Joint Laboratory for Space Weather - CBJLSW
  • Ort: MPS
  • Raum: Auditorium
  • Gastgeber: Urs Mall
Planetary Group Seminar: The impact of the different solar wind structures on the outer radiation belt variability (L. Da Silva)
The precise role of the energy coupling of different solar wind structures with Earth's magnetosphere on the variability of the outer radiation belt variability is still in debate. Here we discuss the variability of outer radiation belt observed by instruments on board of Van Allen Probes during the passage of different interplanetary structures such as ICME (Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection) and HSS (High-Speed Stream). Specifically, we focus on the magnetopause shadowing and wave-particle interactions mechanisms during periods of decrease (dropout) and increase (enhancement) of the high energy electron fluxes.

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