TSSSP Symposium 2018: accommodation

Hotels in Göttingen

Most hotel options in Göttingen are found near the city center. This is about 3.5 km from the MPS where the meeting will take place.
There are good and frequent bus connections from the city center to the MPS.

Below you will find a list of recommended hotels. Of course, you are free to check different ones by searching elsewhere.

Romantik Hotel Gebhards

Goetheallee 22-23, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
info@hotelgebhards.de, +49 551 496 8-0

Eden Hotel

Reinhäuser Landstraße 22a, 37083 Göttingen, Germany
, +49 551 507 2-00

Hotel Stadt Hannover

Goetheallee 21, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
info@hotelstadthannover.de, +49 551 547 96-0

Best Western Hotel am Papenberg

Hermann-Rein-Straße 2, 37075 Göttingen, Germany
info@papenberg.bestwestern.de, +49 551 3055-0

Hotels and near by public transportation in Göttingen

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