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Table 1: Time-scales relevant in space science [see A. B4]
UT1 universal time, defined by the mean solar day
TAI international atomic time, defined by SI seconds
UTC coordinated universal time, TAI - leap seconds, broadcast standard
TT terrestrial time, TT=TAI+$32^s.184$, basis for geocentric ephemeris
TDB barycentric dynamical time, defined by the mean solar day at the
  solar system barycentre, basis for solar system ephemeris

The time-scales relevant for coordinate transformations are defined in Tab.1. Formulae in the J2000.0 reference system are in ephemeris time $T_{eph}$ [S. 2.26, but see also Standish (1998b)], but for most purposes of space data analysis one may neglect the difference of less than 2 msec between $T_{eph}$, Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) and Terrestrial Time (TT) [A. B5] and less than 0.1s between the two Universal Times (UTC, UT1). A difference between Atomic Time (TAI) and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is introduced by leap-seconds tabulated in Tab.2 [A. K9 for current table] 8.

Table 2: Leap seconds $\Delta A$ = TAI-UTC [see A. K9]
1972/1/1 +10s 1972/7/1 +11s 1973/1/1 +12s
1974/1/1 +13s 1975/1/1 +14s 1976/1/1 +15s
1977/1/1 +16s 1978/1/1 +17s 1979/1/1 +18s
1980/1/1 +19s 1981/7/1 +20s 1982/7/1 +21s
1983/7/1 +22s 1985/7/1 +23s 1988/1/1 +24s
1990/1/1 +25s 1991/1/1 +26s 1992/7/1 +27s
1993/7/1 +28s 1994/7/1 +29s 1996/1/1 +30s
1997/7/1 +31s 1999/1/1 +32s.  

Thus TDB or TT can be approximated from UTC by TDB=UTC+ $32^s.184+\Delta A$ where $\Delta A$ is the number of elapsed leap seconds to date. For earlier dates Meeus (2000) gives different approximation formulae for UTC-TDB. Spacecraft data are usually given in UTC. Relative velocities of solar system objects are small enough ($<100$ km/s) to neglect the difference in time systems. Care must only be taken for problems of relative timing. If high precision timing ($<$ 0.1s) is requested the reader should refer to McCarthy (1996) and to the documentation of the SPICE system (see above). The reference points in time (epochs) for the ephemeris are given in Tab.3. Before 1984 the ephemeris referred to B1950.0 and many spacecraft trajectory data are still given in the older system (see Appendix). The actual position of solar system objects and spacecraft is usually given in an epoch of date system which means that coordinates refer to the orientation of the Earth equator or ecliptic at the time of measurement. We give formulae to convert from the reference epoch to the epoch of date in the following section 2.1.

Table 3: Epoch definitions [S. Table 15.3, A. B4]
J1900.0 = 1900 January 1, 12.00TDB = JD 2415020.0
J1950.0 = 1950 January 1, 00.00TDB = JD 2433282.5
J2000.0 = 2000 January 1, 12.00TDB = JD 2451545.0
B1950.0 =   JD 2433282.42345905

The Julian Day Number ($JD$) starts at Greenwich mean noon 4713 Jan. 1, B.C. [S. 2.26]. The epoch day number is defined in this paper as the fractional number of days of 86400 seconds from the epoch:

\begin{displaymath}d_0 = (JD - 2451545.0)
.\end{displaymath} (1)

Formulae from S. and A. use Julian centuries ($T_0$) from J2000.0. One Julian century has 36525 days, one Julian year has 365.25 days, s.t. [S. T3.222.2]
\begin{displaymath}T_0 = d_0/36525.0 \hspace{1cm} \mbox{ and }\hspace{1cm} y_0 = d_0/365.25
\end{displaymath} (2)

We use this notation throughout the paper. When the astronomical reference systems eventually switch to the next epoch (presumably J2050.0) formulae given in this paper have to be adapted.

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Markus Fraenz 2002-03-12