Parametric Functions (C Source)

Function 1 (Circle)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float pi = 3.1415926, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);

   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 3);
   titlin ("[sin (u) * cos (v), sin (u) * sin (v), cos (u)]", 4);

   light  ("on");
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   surclr (254, 100);
   survis ("both");
   shdmod ("off", "zscale");
   matop3 (1.0,0.0,0.0,"diffuse");
   setfce ("bottom");
   matop3 (0.0,1.0,0.0,"diffuse");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface"); 
   step = pi / 30.;
   surfcp (zfun, 0., pi, step, 0., 2 * pi - 0.5, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun (float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;

  if (iopt == 1)
    w = sin (u) * cos (v);
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w = sin (u) * sin (v);
    w = cos (u); 

  return (float) w;

Function 2 (Torus)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float pi = 3.1415926, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);

   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 2);
   titlin ("[cos (u) * (3 + cos (v)), sin (u) * (3 + cos (v)),", 3);
   titlin (" sin (v)]", 4);

   light  ("on");
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-3., 3., -3., 1., -3., 3., -3., 1., -3., 3., -3., 1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   surclr (254, 100);
   survis ("both");
   shdmod ("off", "zscale");
   matop3 (1.0,0.0,0.0,"diffuse");
   setfce ("bottom");
   matop3 (0.0,1.0,0.0,"diffuse");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   step = pi / 30;
   surfcp (zfun, 0., 2 * pi - 0.5, step, -pi, pi, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun (float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;

  if (iopt == 1)
    w = cos (u) * (3.0 + cos (v));
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w = sin (u) * (3.0 + cos (v));
    w = sin (v); 

  return (float) w;

Function 3

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float p = 3.14159, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);
   intax  ();

   mixalf ();
   newmix ();
   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function",2);
   titlin ("[1.2^v%*sin(u)^2%*sin(v), 1.2^v%*sin(u)^2%*cos(v), ", 3);
   titlin ("1.2^v%*sin(u)*cos(u)]", 4);

   light  ("on"); 
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-3.,3.,-3.,1.,-3.,3.,-3.,1.,-2.,2.,-2.,1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   step = p/30.;
   tr3shf (-1., 0., 0.);
   tr3rot (0., 0., 30.); 
   surfcp (zfun, 0., p, step, -p/4, 5*p/2, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;

  if (iopt == 1)
    w  = pow (1.2, v) * (sin(u) * sin(u) * sin(v)); 
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w  = pow (1.2, v) * (sin(u) * sin(u) * cos(v)); 
    w = pow (1.2, v) * (sin(u) * cos(u)); 

  return (float) w;

Function 4

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float p = 3.14159, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);
   intax  ();

   mixalf ();
   newmix ();
   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function",2);
   titlin ("[1.2^v%*sin(u)^2%*sin(v), 1.2^v%*sin(u)^2%*cos(v), ", 3);
   titlin ("1.2^v%*sin(u)*cos(u)]",4);

   light  ("on"); 
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-3.,3.,-3.,1.,-3.,3.,-3.,1.,-2.,2.,-2.,1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   shdmod ("off", "zscale");
   matop3 (1.0,0.0,0.0,"diffuse");
   setfce ("bottom");
   matop3 (0.0,1.0,0.0,"diffuse");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   step = p/30.;
   tr3shf (-1., 0., 0.);
   tr3rot (0., 0.,30.); 
   surfcp (zfun, 0., p, step, -p/4, 5*p/2, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;

  if (iopt == 1)
    w  = pow (1.2, v) * (sin(u) * sin(u) * sin(v)); 
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w  = pow (1.2, v) * (sin(u) * sin(u) * cos(v)); 
    w = pow (1.2, v) * (sin(u) * cos(u)); 

  return (float) w;

Function 5

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{ float p = 3.14159, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);
   intax  ();

   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 3);
   titlin ("[3 * cos(u), 3 * sin(u), v]", 4);

   light  ("on"); 
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-4.,4.,-4.,1.,-4.,4.,-4.,1.,-4.,4.,-4.,1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   shdmod ("off", "zscale");
   matop3 (1.0,0.0,0.0,"diffuse");
   setfce ("bottom");
   matop3 (0.0,1.0,0.0,"diffuse");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   step = p / 20.;
   surfcp (zfun, -p, p, step, -p, p, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;

  if (iopt == 1)
    w  = 3 *  cos (u);
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w  = 3 * sin (u);
    w = v;

  return (float) w;

Function 6

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float p = 3.14159, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);
   intax  ();

   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 3);
   titlin ("[sin(u) * sin(v), cos(u) * sin(v), cos(u) * cos(v)]", 4);

   light  ("on"); 
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   shdmod ("off", "zscale");
   matop3 (1.0,0.0,0.0,"diffuse");
   setfce ("bottom");
   matop3 (0.0,1.0,0.0,"diffuse");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   step = p/30.;
   tr3rot (0., 0., 10.);
   surfcp (zfun, -p, p, step, -p, p, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun (float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;
  if (iopt == 1)
    w  = sin (u) * sin (v);
  else if (iopt == 3)
    w  = cos (u) * sin (v);
    w = cos (u) * cos (v);

  return (float) w;

Function 7

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float p = 3.14159, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);
   intax  ();

   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 2);
   titlin ("[sin(u) * sin(v) + 0.05 * cos(20 * v),", 3);
   titlin ("cos(u) * sin(v) + 0.05 * cos(20 * u), cos(v)]", 4);

   light  ("on"); 
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   matop3 (1.0,0.0,0.0,"diffuse");
   setfce ("bottom");
   matop3 (0.0,1.0,0.0,"diffuse");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   step = p/60.;
   tr3rot (0., 0., 10.);
   surfcp (zfun, -p, p, step, -p, p, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun (float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;

  if (iopt == 1)
    w  = sin (u) * sin (v) + 0.05 * cos (20 * v);
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w  = cos (u) * sin (v) + 0.05 * cos (20 * u);
    w = cos (v);

  return (float) w;

Function 8

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);
   intax  ();

   mixalf ();
   newmix ();
   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 3);
   titlin ("[u, v, cos (sqrt (u^2% + v^2%))]", 4);

   light  ("on"); 
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-10.,10.,-10.,5.,-10.,10.,-10.,5.,-10.,10.,-10.,5.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   surfcp (zfun, -10., 10., 0.5, -10., 10., 0.5);
   disfin ();

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w, r;

  r = sqrt (u * u + v * v);
  if (iopt == 1)
    w  = u;
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w  = v;
    w = (cos (r));

  return (float) w;

Function 9

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float p = 3.1415926, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);
   intax  ();

   linesp (2.0);
   titlin("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 3);
   titlin("[v * cos (u), v * sin (u), v]", 4);

   light ("on"); 
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.,-1.,1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface");
   step = p / 30.;
   surfcp (zfun, 0, 2 * p, step, -1. , 1., 0.1);
   disfin ();

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w;

  if (iopt == 1)
    w  = v * cos (u);
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w  = v * sin (u);
    w = v;

  return (float) w;

Function 10

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"

float zfun(float u, float v, int iopt);

{  float pi = 3.1415926, step;

   winsiz (600, 600);  
   page   (3000, 3000);
   metafl ("png");
   imgfmt ("rgb");
   scrmod ("revers");
   disini ();
   pagera ();
   hwfont ();
   axspos (150,2950);
   axslen (2700,2700);

   linesp (2.0);
   titlin ("Surface Plot of the Parametric Function", 2);
   titlin ("[r * sin (u) * cos (v), r * sin (u) * sin (v),", 3);
   titlin ("r * cos (u)], r = cos ( 2 * u)", 4);   

   light  ("on");
   vkytit (-300);
   nograf ();
   graf3d (-1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1., -1., 1.);
   height (60);
   title  ();

   clip3d ("none");
   surmsh ("on");

   surclr (254, 100);
   survis ("both");
   matop3 (1.0,0.0,0.0,"diffuse");
   setfce ("bottom");
   matop3 (0.0,1.0,0.0,"diffuse");

   shdmod ("smooth", "surface"); 
   step = pi / 30.;
   surfcp (zfun, 0., pi, step, 0., 2 * pi, step);
   disfin ();

float zfun (float u, float v, int iopt)
{ double w, r;

  r = cos (2 * u);
  if (iopt == 1)
    w = r * sin (u) * cos (v);
  else if (iopt == 2)
    w = r * sin (u) * sin (v);
    w = r * cos (u); 

  return (float) w;
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